Course Content
Learning Objective
2.1 Identifying the closest source of food
2.2 The 100 km diet
2.3 Benefits of a Local Food System
2.4 Challenges of a Local Food System
2.5 Sourcing Local Food
2.6 Career opportunities
Local Food Production
About Lesson

Local food and how to find it: 

  • You may consider local food to be from your region, province, or country. Local food can be found at farmers’ markets, pick-your-own farms, and grocery stores.
  • Environmental benefits and challenges

Transporting food over short distances is often associated with fewer greenhouse gases than large distances. However, it depends on the vehicle used to transport food.

  • Social benefits and challenges

Interacting with a farmer is an opportunity to influence the opinions and practices of one another. Producing all food locally will reduce the global supply of staple foods.

  • Health benefits and challenges
  • Economic benefits and challenges

Ideas to consider:

  1. Could you find a local source of fruit, vegetables, grain, meat and dairy within 100 miles of your house?
  2. Would you benefit from the 100 mile diet experience?
  3. Local food is often equated to being organic and sustainable. Is this always the case?