Environmental initiatives (soil and food production)
About Lesson

The One Health Approach is a comprehensive framework that transcends traditional boundaries and recognises the intricate links between human health, animal health and the health of our environment. By adopting this perspective, we recognise that the well-being of these interrelated domains is inextricably linked, forming a delicate balance that sustains life on our planet. In the area of soil and food production, the One Health Approach emphasises the profound link between soil health and the quality of the food it produces. Fertile and healthy soils directly contribute to the production of higher quality crops, which in turn impact on the health of those who consume them. 

This approach goes beyond the immediate impact on human health. It includes the whole ecosystem, taking into account animal welfare and the intricate network of biodiversity. As a living ecosystem in its own right, soil plays a central role in supporting a wide range of life forms, from beneficial microbes to earthworms. Their health and vitality in turn contribute to the overall balance and resilience of the environment.

The One Health Approach also recognises the interrelated nature of global challenges such as climate change, emerging diseases and food security. By taking a holistic view of soil and food production, we not only work towards sustainable agriculture, but also actively contribute to mitigating these global challenges. At its core, the One Health Approach is a call to action, urging us to consider the deep impact of our choices on the health of individuals, communities, ecosystems and the planet as a whole.