Transnational Meeting 1

Transnational Meeting 1 of the Project took place in 22-23 of March 2023 at the University of the Aegean in Myrina, Lemnos, Greece. Presentation of FOOD4ALL and introduction of PR1. More specific, this meeting focused on organising the consortium regarding managerial matters of the Project (Plan of Activities), and also, on FOOD4ALL working plan for the next six months.

For more pictures, click here.

Transnational Meeting 2

Transnasional Meeting 2 of the Project took place in Florence, Italy, in 11-12 December 2023. This meeting was hosted by University of Florence, and covered the revision of the outcome of PR2 and the introduction of PR3, as also working plan of activities for the next 6 months.

For more pictures, click here.