Organic vs Conventional agriculture
About Lesson
  • Pesticide residues and human health

All foods, both organic and conventional, do not contain pesticide residues at a level that would pose health risks to consumers.

  • Pesticides and bee health

Bee losses are caused by a combination of stresses including monoculture, pesticides, urbanization, parasites, predators, and diseases.

  • Nutrition and taste

There is no difference in nutritional quality of organic and conventional food. For some people, organic food is not affordable. Other people justify the extra cost because they support the principles.

  • Pesticides and the environment

Pesticides with a minor impact on health and the environment are those that are toxic only to the specific pests they are targeting.

  • Sustainable agriculture

A vision to grow food so that it pays the farmer and respects the environment. It can be practiced by organic and conventional agriculture.

Ideas to consider:

  1. How would you describe a typical conventional farm?
  2. How would you describe a typical organic farm?
  3. In your opinion, is either organic or conventional production a fundamentally better choice over the other?
  4. How would you explain the main regulated difference between organic and conventional food production?